Thursday, November 6, 2008

...Get me off this crazy thing!!!!....

I feel like one of the circus folk with the plates spinning on top of long poles! But, it's all good stuff. So, here's a quick update:

1. DIY Street Fair - it was fantastic! Great weather, lots of fun people and loud music. I had a great time and sold a bit more than I thought I would. Here's a photo of me and my helper friend, Jen in the booth. We're sporting the "Crafty Chick" t-shirts that I screenprinted the night before at about 1AM!

2. After the street fair I made a short trip down to Cleveland to visit my dear friend, Tracy. I brought a few things along, and she had some girlfriends over for wine and a bit of shopping. Great fun, but not enough time! I need to go back and spend a full weekend hanging out and seeing the sights. By the way, Tracy makes the BEST apricot jam!

3. Next I made a cool little Halloween bag to donate to Handmade Detroit for the raffle at Craft-O-Ween. That was a fun night! (I never took a photo of the bag, so I'm borrowing from Stephanie who posted it on the Handmade Detroit site. Thanks!) This little project opened up a whole new world of ideas for me! I am all about trying new things and the new things here: quilting(ish) and applique stitching (sort of). The possibilities to come are endless!

4. Next up? Night of the Living Dead, The Musical! How fun is that? I was the head costumer (well, only costumer...) This was the first time I had done anything with theater since high school and the first time I had ever considered costuming or wardrobe. What an amazing experience! I really think I found a new love - it really just felt natural for me to be involved in that way. Anyway, here's a photo of my proudest creation for the show - the Narrator's costume. Made entirely from scratch from my crazy imagination. Inspiration for the character was "warrior goddess". Did I hit it?

Now what? I have a little over a week to get ready for the Detroit Urban Craft Fair, so I'm just busy, busy, busy. In case you haven't heard, the DUCF will be Nov. 15th at the Fillmore in Detroit. Hope to see you there. I'm so honored to have been selected to be part it. Oh, I'll also have my "A Bag: A Dress" creation on display there. I think they're putting them in the lobby. That's another thing I never took a photo of? What a doof!

Anything else? Of course! Joe and I will still have our collaborative art show at the Abreact Gallery, but we've pushed it back to January. Details coming soon.

Lastly, my Etsy page.... this is the one thing that just keeps getting moved to the back burner. It's basically ready to go at this point, I just need to figure out shipping costs and start listing items. All in due time, I guess.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Yay!!!! Someone has dropped out of the Detroit Urban Craft Fair this November, so I'm in!!!! I am really looking forward to this one.

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Elliot Revisited

Still have no idea how to get photos off the phone, but I was up at my Dad's cottage - the final resting place of Elliot  - so, I took another photo.

Drumroll please!

Here he is:

Sunday, August 3, 2008

DIY Street Fair


(sub)UrbanFringe will have a booth at the DIY Street Fair in Ferndale Sept. 20th and 21st!

Now, it's time to get in gear to make sure I'm fully stocked!  Make sure you come see me.

check here for details

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Waiting is the hard part...

I've submitted apps for The DIY Street Fest in Ferndale in Sept. and the DUCF in November. Now I'm just waiting to see if I'm accepted. But, I'm making stuff like crazy just in case I am.

Also coming up: I'll be exhibiting a piece at BoxFest and Joe and I will be hosting a collaborative show at the Abreact in November called "Random Passages" (watch for more details on that one soon)

I'm also working on my dress for the A Bag, A Dress contest:

Monday, July 21, 2008


Fourth of July weekend we went to my Dad's cottage for a relaxing long weekend. One afternoon, Sammy got bored so I suggested that we make something out of the fallen branches and twigs then we could burn it later in the fire pit to see how it would burn.

This is what we made...

Joe named him Elliot (no idea why)
Then, we burned him...

Safely burned by the side of the road, then transferred to the fire pit.

If I can figure out how to get photos off my camera, I could post what became of the burned wire that held Elliot together....

Thursday, July 3, 2008


It's a little old, but I just found it...My products were mentioned, though they got the name wrong. Oh well!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


My list is long! There are so many things I need/want to do with the (sub)UrbanFringe brand. Stuff to make, stuff to accomplish, stuff to get ready for...

First, it's the brand itself: website, business cards, etc.

Then it's the stuff: jewelry, handbags, clothing and more

Next it's the selling: 323East in Royal Oak, A Girly Girl Boutique in Saginaw, art fair in September, DUCF in November - can I be ready for any more than that? Probably not yet.

Last, is all the other stuff: a possible film (acting or production), a play in October, an art show in November, a dress contest due in October...

AND, life in general....

Watch for updates